Apart from food and money one thing that is necessary for human life is having good sleep. Most of us have experienced the difference in how we feel following a good night of sleep versus a poor one. Humans deprived of sleep for long periods begin feverish and develop other mental problems.
Lack of sleep increases the risk for developing obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and infections. When people do not have enough sleep, they cannot concentrate well the next day and have problems forming memories. Sleeplessness may harm the immune system, so Sleep is important in maintaining your health,
1. With a good night sleep a person will have a positive effect on short term memory. Dreaming during sleep allows the brain to “consolidate” information and organize it so that it can be recalled at a later time. In other words, dreaming helps create memories.
2. Sleeping allows the body to benefit health by regulating the cholesterol levels and high blood pressure that are known causes of heart attacks. During sleep the vital nutritional elements like protein molecules are directed towards cellular repair and growth.
3. A good night’s sleep is associated with better weight control because people who are tired crave more carbohydrates and other fattening foods. People who get more sleep frequently have a better diet and have less trouble of increasing weight.
4. Sleep is a time when the cells of the body produce proteins that restore and repair damage that occurs from stress, u-v light exposure, exercise, pollutants and a host of other things that we encounter when we are awake. More sleep allows more time for repair and restoration.
5. Sleep improves appearance. When sleeping we are able to relax better which in turn harmonizes our breathing pattern. This is vital for ensuring sufficient cellular oxygenation and proper blood circulation across the facial skin cells.
Since the face is exposed to beauty deterrents like dust and UV rays that lead to a certain degree of tissue damage on a daily basis. Repair of such tissues too is done during sleep, preventing signs of aging and blemishes.
6. Sleeping helps you release stress and keep it at a level that you can handle. If you’re sleep deprived, you aren’t going to deal effectively with your stress. When you sleep, the cortisol levels in your body drop, helping to ward off disorders such as anxiety.
7. Research shows that individuals who get a full 7-8 hour of sleep after learning a skill retain more information as opposed to those that stay up all night mastering that same skill. When you sleep, your brain gets a chance to digest and process information from the previous day.
8. Getting enough sleep improves your emotional health and allows you to laugh at life’s little annoyances instead of getting angry.
9. Napping during the day is not only an effective and refreshing alternative to caffeine, it can also protect your health and make you more productive. People who nap at work have much lower levels of stress. Napping also improves memory, cognitive function and mood.
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